Computing and Media Equipment Request Form Home Library & Information Services Computing and Media Equipment Request Form Library & Information Services About Hedberg LibraryLibrary ResearchBorrowing & AccessArchives & Special CollectionsComputer & Technology ServicesMedia ServicesTelephonesNews & EventsFrequently Asked Questions Please use this form to request computers, computing hardware, or media equipment for Carthage employee use. Fill out as much of the form that is applicable and essential for the position or office that will use the equipment. Please allow 3 weeks for computer request fulfillment. If you are a student requesting an individual installation of software that Carthage owns, please visit the Student Software page or email If you are a faculty or staff member requesting an individual installation of software that Carthage owns, please visit the Faculty & Staff Software page or email If you are requesting the purchase of new software for yourself (that isn’t listed on the software page above) use the form below and indicate your request in the text box fields at the bottom of the form. If you are interested in utilizing a new system for your department or the College (such as Purple Briefcase, OrgSync, SaaS) please complete the Project Intake Request Form. This request is sent directly to the Request Tracker help ticketing system, so expect follow-up emails from staff via that interface. All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. request_for_individual_employe required checkbox field Request for Individual Employee or Shared Office/Department?*If this request is for an office/department, please still fill in all the contact info fields below; the individual below will be the contact person for the request. Individual Employee Shared Office/Department employee_name required text field Employee Name* position_title required text field Position Title* employee_email_address required e-mail address field Employee Email Address* Please indicate the email address of the person who LIS should be communicating to regarding this request. officedepartment required text field Office/Department* Requests for office/departmental computing/media equipment may be submitted via this form. office_location required text field Office Location* starting_date_for_new_employee required date field Starting Date (for new employee) or Needed By Date (for current employee or office/department request)* supervisor_name_or_department required text field Supervisor Name (or department chair, if faculty)* supervisors_email_address required text field Supervisor's Email Address* Please indicate the employee's supervisor's email address. The supervisor will be copied on all communication regarding acquisition of technologies. employment_type_faculty_or_sta required radio button field Employment Type (Faculty or Staff)*Please note that part-time employees or adjunct instructors are not provided new computers or peripherals. Faculty Staff employment_type_full-time_or_p required radio button field Employment Type (Full-time or Part-time)*Please note that part-time employees or adjunct instructors are not provided new computers or peripherals. Full-time Part-time (including limited term and adjunct) position_type_new_or_existing required radio button field Position Type (New or Existing)* New position Existing position computer_requested checkbox field Computer Requested Desktop computer (includes computer, one flat panel display, keyboard, mouse) Laptop computer operating_system_preference required radio button field Operating System Preference* Mac Windows peripherals_for_laptop checkbox field Peripherals for LaptopIf you requested a laptop above, please tell us if you need any peripheral items. Docking station (port replicator) External flat panel display Keyboard Mouse VGA adapter please_indicate_hardwaresoftwa textarea field Please indicate hardware/software requests for items not listed above. Include specs and specifics if you have them. Keep in mind many software resources can be accessed via the Software and Web Resources webpage ( Network access, email accounts, telephones, and project requests are to be submitted via alternate forms. will_the_hardware_request_abov radio button field Will the hardware request above need to be connected to the Carthage network? Yes No funding text field Funding LIS provides one computer for full-time Carthage faculty and staff if requested by their supervisor. Other requests are to be paid for by the employee's department. Please indicate the departmental account number if requesting more than a computer or the laptop peripherals listed above. comments textarea field Comments Link (required)